South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina, Texas

907 Elmwood Avenue
Columbia, SC 29201


475 Wolf Ledges Parkway
Akron, OH 44311

4 Ways for Businesses to Celebrate July 4 (and Summer)

Your South Carolina business does more than serve people in the community — it helps to strengthen the community. But, are you maximizing your impact and the recognition you get for it?

An event, sponsorship or marketing push centered around a holiday, such as Independence Day, can help you do both. And, these efforts can increase your business, particularly if the summer months are slower for you.

The options are almost limitless, whether you want to celebrate the holiday or just summer in general. Here are four great ideas to help you make an impact this July:

  1. Host a holiday gathering. If space permits, host a barbecue for the public sometime around (but not on) the Fourth of July. This is a great way to build community and allow neighbors — and your employees — to get to know each other. You can also promote your business with signs, brochures and special offers just for the event. Sending a press release can even bring media coverage, especially if your event is unique.
  2. Sponsor larger celebrations. Your community might have a fireworks display or other event. Be a part of it! There are likely sponsorship opportunities that include logo placement in event advertising, on programs and more. You can promote your involvement on your Facebook page and other social media, too.
  3. Have a contest. People love contests, holiday-related or not, so you might offer a prize for the most patriotic photo posted on your Facebook page, or have a random drawing among customers who visit your location during July. The more interactive the better – a contest can generate some serious buzz. For example, newspapers and TV often cover or host photo contests around Easter featuring Peeps candy.
  4. Communicate! Sending a holiday-themed email or blog post is always a great idea, even if you don’t have anything business-specific to promote. Customers appreciate helpful information, such as tips about fireworks safety or food preparation.

Remember, your holiday promotion doesn’t need to be complicated. Simply making an effort can make a difference for the community and your business. Enjoy the Fourth!